The Kansas City Region SCCA Board Meeting was called to order by RE Paula Diehl at The Bar on August 27, 2019 at 7:02 pm.

Board Members present: Chris Kern, Paula Diehl, Tim Friest, Lisa Kern, Jessica Dorn, Bill Johnson, Mike McGinley, Jeremy Salenius, Tara Youn

Absent: Al Hermans, Todd Hesskamp

Guests: David Williams, James Young, Reuben Samuels

SECRETARY REPORT (Lisa Kern, Secretary):
Minutes from July 30, 2019 Board Meeting were approved. Tara Young made a motion to approve the minutes; Chris Kern seconded. Motion passed unanimously

TREASURER REPORT* (Jessica Dorn, Treasurer):
Bill Johnson made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report; Chris Kern seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

July 2019
Starting Cash: $25,475.66
Ending Cash: $21,305.76
Balance for the month: $110,040.76

*For a more detailed Financial Report, contact the KCR Club Treasurer.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT (Paula Diehl, Membership Chair): 560

SOLO REPORT (Al Hermans, Solo Chair):
Event #8 was held on August 18 following the solo school on the 17th. 117 people came out to the event and 27 people came out to the school.

Our next event is re-scheduled #6 on September 15. Next after that is our joint weekend with KS Region on September 21 & 22. They will host on the 21st and we will host on the 22nd.

KVRG REPORT (Chris Kern, KVRG Board Member):
Working on 2020 schedule. KVRG meeting will be in 2 weeks on Mon, Sept 9. Panzone (25th & Iowa) in Lawrence at 6:30p. Please come if you have input.

RALLYCROSS REPORT (David Williams, Rallycross Chair):
Committee Item

  • 8/27 – Event #5 was on August 25th at I-35 Speedway and we had 29 drivers in attendance. We managed to get the morning runs in, but the afternoon heats were ultimately cancelled due to a downpour that turned the track into a mud bowl.


  • September 20 – 22 – DirtFish RallyCross National Championship
  • September 29 – Event #6 @ I-35 Speedway
  • October 19 – Event #3 – Thunder Valley Sand Drags
  • October 20 – Event #7 @ Thunder Valley Sand Drags
  • November 2 – Event #1 @ I-35 Speedway
  • November 3 – Event #8 @ I-35 Speedway
  • November 24 – Event #9 @ Santa Fe Trail Cycle Park (KS/KC Joint Event)

ROADRALLY REPORT (David Williams reported):

  • “Rubber Meets the Road” Rally has been postponed until the Fall to allow me time to work on the event since I have lost the assistance of Rich Bireta
  • Missouri Rally Weekend
    • “West to Weston” Road Rally – TBD
    • “Rubber Meets the Road” Rally – TBD
  • Gimmick Roadrally
    • Nov. 9, 2019
    • Paula will get a sanction
    • Chris has maps/routes
    • Lisa will advertise (FB) and add to website calendar. I will also write up a brief description, etc. for the website; will ask Jessica to send out email

Web Report (Mike McGinley):
We have updated events. There are not a lot of changes. We do still need pics and articles. Please send to Mike. Reuben Samuels brought up that Arkansas region has several well quality videos on their website. This might be a thought for a future grant, though it may cost $7-10K

Social Events (Lisa Kern): Nothing new to report

  • Working with Paula and Chris on Gimmick Wine Road Rally for Nov. 9.
  • Awards Banquet – Since agreeing that it is important to make this a great event without going cheap, Lisa is looking at several different venues. Will report next month.
  • Race Group Pool Party had 18 people attend.
  • Cars & Coffee was brought up by Reuben Samuels as a continuing social event for around $700/yr as a sponsor. Lisa will talk more with Reuben about this.

Mid-div Convention:
Part of the convention for 2019 is our SCCA History. The theme is “Rope our Future into our Past.” Donna Cross is reaching out to our past RE’s to bring memorabilia

Nominating Committee – We currently have 5 people on the committee (Chris Kern*, Donna Cross, Tim Friest, David Williams and Reuben Samuels). Jessica Dorn to add on FB requests for nominations. So far we have:

  • RE: ?
  • Asst RE: Reuben Samuels
  • Treasurer: Jessica Dorn
  • Secretary: Open
  • Solo Advisory Committee: Tara Young


CPR and Defibrillator Training were discussed for CFR. We are looking at late winter or early spring for all groups. Chris will take the lead on finding a CPR Instructor. We could have at HMP or a fire department. This will most likely be in March 2020. Chris will contact HMP or Overland Park fire department to see if they can do in early Spring (March). Jessica will talk with the Johnson County fire department to talk about extrication. It would be beneficial to have different types of cars for extrication.

Rallycross separate equipment – Reuben Samuels brought up the need for something more off road. Reuben will put a proposal together with costs, needs, purpose, etc.

There being no further business, Chris Kern made a motion to adjourn; Bill Johnson seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:41 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Kern
SCCA Board Secretary

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Stop spectating and start racing! Join the Kansas City Region SCCA now and get involved immediately through Autocross, TSD Road Rallies, and Rallycross. You can also volunteer at our Road Racing events while you work toward your competition license.

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The SCCA Foundation supports hands-on education and safety programs, recognizes excellence in automotive engineering education and promotes the SCCA’s heritage and club history. The goal of the SCCA Foundation is to give back to our communities. To successfully achieve this mission, the Foundation seeks support from a variety of sources, including the members of the Sports Car Club of America as well as corporate sponsors. The SCCA Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation under the section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Gifts to the SCCA Foundation are tax deductible to the donor as allowable by law. You can donate directly through PayPal.

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NOTE: All photos used on this site are property of the Kansas City Region of the Sports Car Club of America and the respective photographers. They may not be reused commercially without the express written consent of the KCRSCCA – please contact us if you have questions