The Kansas City Region SCCA Board Meeting was called to order by RE Paula Diehl at The Bar on December 17, 2019 at 7:08 pm.

Board Members present: Chris Kern, Paula Diehl, Tim Friest, Lisa Kern, Jessica Dorn, Mike McGinley, Jeremy Salenius, Tara Young

Absent: Todd Hesskamp, Bill Johnson

Guests: David Williams, Ed Nicholson, Greg Cheney, Reuben Samuels, James Young, Dan Colburn

SECRETARY REPORT (Lisa Kern, Secretary): 
Tara Young made a motion to approve the minutes; Mike McGinley seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

TREASURER REPORT* (Jessica Dorn, Treasurer): 
Mike McGinley a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report; Al Hermann seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.

November 2019

Starting Cash:            $25,585.08
Starting CD $88,487.63
Ending CD $88,736.52
Ending Cash:            $25,399.71
Ending Balance $118,266.48

*For a more detailed Financial Report, contact the KCR Club Treasurer.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT (Paula Diehl, Membership Chair): 
543. SCCA having trouble with membership

SOLO REPORT (Al Hermans, Solo Chair): 
MiDiv schedule:
May 16 & 17 – Topeka
June 6 & 7 – Salina
June 20 & 21 – Neosho
July 11 & 12 – St. Louis
August 8 & 9 – Lincoln

Regional schedule will be worked out with new SAC in January.

National office is looking for 4 members to provide input in developing the next generation letter system for the SEB.  An email was sent from SoloMatters earlier today.

I will not be attending the national convention in January as MiDiv SDC.

KVRG REPORT (Chris Kern, KVRG Board Member):
Working on schedule and sending out CFR to be in Des Moines will verify date later.

Getting favorable input for the April event at Heartland

Not too early to think about F&C workers.

Jessica would like to get emails from workers.

RALLYCROSS REPORT (David Williams, Rallycross Chair):
We had 8 out of 9 events with 32 drivers per event average. We are growing. Dan Colburn as new Rallyx Committee Chair. 

Dan will coordinate with another on SAC for schedules.

ROADRALLY REPORT (David Williams reported):
Brewery crawl being planned for late February or second weekend of March.

Looking for more road rally dates. WIP

Al suggested end of the month dates for Rally Cross or road rally.

Lisa suggests that solo and road group coordinate schedule 

Web Report (Mike McGinley):
Do not put home addresses on the website.

Who has the list for the membership, Mike will see about getting Lisa access.

Xtreme Go Karts on the website for Tues., Jan 7, 2020.

Updates for banquet and schedules for different events coming soon.

Lisa requests that the request for individuals wanting to help with social committee should not expire, Mike to request change.

Social Events:
Lisa will reach out for participation in our Banquet,

Will we have drink tickets. Mike made a motion for one drink ticket; Tara Young seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Lisa working on the menu and finalizing, cocktail party starts at 5 PM to 6:30 PM, Dinner 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM and awards from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM.

Road racing, rally x and solo groups will do awards.

Need to recruit several greeters for this year’s awards banquet.

Extreme Grand Prix Go Karts for $300 deposit, needs to be paid. Tara will create a page on MSR to sign up drivers. Event occurs for general meeting January 7th.

Working on plans for a Daytona 500 watch party to occur Sun., Feb. 16, 2020 at Noon.  Location tbd.

Jeremy working on the Brewery tour gadget road rally. There was a question about an SCCA member who owns a brewery, Charlie Clark would know if an SCCA member owns a brewery.

Articles for the web needed, send to Mike for Ford vs Ferrara.

KVRG, looking for pictures or memorabilia for the convention.

Jessica, asked if silent auction items proceeds go to Midiv. Chris responded that they do.

Al on proposal for adult defensive driving.

Mike need to come up with expected outcome for. Mike to work with Al to ensure we get the full amount for the grant.

Will try to market the parents of the kids who have completed street survival.

Jessica Budget work in progress, working with Al to correct. Now on a spreadsheet and looking at Quickbooks for running clubs accounting.

Rueben and Ken, DMRV year for CFR but we will run and looking for a site to have the class.

Rueben is looking at a separately AED CPR to have class for 20 to 30 hours. Still checking on expense of instructor and a good location for the training,

Paula asked who should be acknowledged for Special Recognition for 2019.

Outstanding member candidates:
Chris Kern
Mike McGinley
Brad Smith
Jessica Dorn
Paula Diehl
Tara Young
David Williams
Lisa Kern
Joe Parsons

How about sponsors, table places or presentation/slide show – Reubin will ask a contact about working creating a presentation. Sponsors can be found on the last page of every newsletter.

Lisa needs pictures from the outstanding members for presentation.

Norma Williams award, last three recipients to determine worthy candidate – Lisa has talked with Norma and when they have a person they will run past Norma.

Best event:
Ford vs Ferrari watch party
National Rally Cross Tour
UA event

Mike wants to have pictures of participants at our events, starting with Extreme Go Karts. Send in a picture with a Bio, see hand out. Due by end of December.

Budget for 2020, we will be working on in January.

Should we continue normal board meeting, should we change to breakfast meeting.

Paula, need to have a bylaws committee in January to determine changes for bylaws this year.

There being no further business, Tara Young made a motion to adjourn; Lisa Kern seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:03 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Kern
SCCA Board Secretary

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