Call to Order
The Kansas City Region SCCA Board Meeting was called to order by RE Paula Diehl at 7:12 PM and Conroy’s Public House

Board Members attending: Paula Diehl, Greg Cheney, Jessica Dorn,Josh Huff by phone, Max Bear, Daniel Rowland, Josh Holsworth, Chris Kern

Board Members not in attendance: Phil Meredith, Al Hermans, Ed Nicholson, Bill Johnson

Max made a motion to approve the minutes; Josh Holsworth seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Jessica has submitted the 2024 budget by email to the BOD

January 2024

Starting Cash$14,907.27
Ending Cash$9,801.32
Starting CD$86,006.62
Ending CD$86,072.07
Ending Balance$95,873.39

Daniel made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report; Max seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

We have the following dates confirmed.
April 6 & 7 – T&T; Event #1
May 11 & 12 – Exhibition Event(s) @ Hedge Hollow
May 18 & 19 – Event #2; Event #3
June 8 & 9 – Novice School; Event #4
June 30 – Event #5
July 27 & 28 – Starting Line School; Event #6
August 17 & 18 – Street Survival; Event #7
September 22 – Event #8
October 13 – Event #9
October 27 – Event #10 (Halloweenie)

647 members for the Region. We should try to push membership more at events.

Get a link to membership application on MSR when registering

Was eligible for Large Region award but got beat out. All we need is to get more weekend members to go annual.

Hedge Hollow event was discussed. It is Mother’s Day. Lots of activities planned. TT, Solo Sprint, Regional Road Race.  

Full steam ahead for events

The 3/3 T&T was a benefit for Unnaturally Aspirated. 29 drivers participated.

We will have 3 sites. I-35 Speedway, Thunder Valley Speedway and Ray Rocks.

Budget is ready. Max will email it.

March 3Test & TuneThunder Valley
March 24Event 1I-35 Speedway
April 28Event 2Thunder Valley
June 22-23Event 3-4Ray Rocks
July 14Event 5I-35 Speedway
Aug. 25Event 6Thunder Valley
Sept. 15Event 7Ray Rocks
Oct. 6 Event 8 EndurocrossI-35 Speedway
Nov. 10Event 9Thunder Valley
Dec. 8Event 10Ray Rocks


Ed investigating cloud storage 2nd Chris. Passed unanimously.

Below are site analytics for for the period 1/28/24-2/26/24. Percent increase/decrease is over the reference period 12/28/23-1/27/24:

Total Visitors: 5,917  |  -4.1%
The number of visitors that accessed the website

Daily average: 197

Sessions: 6,322 |  -4.2% 
A session starts when a visitor accesses the website and ends when he or she leaves it.

Daily average: 210

Total Page Impressions: 24,583  |  -13.8% 
How often the pages of the website are visited. Only pages that contain text and were fully loaded are counted. 

Page Impressions Per Session: 4.07  | -6.6% 
The average number of pages of the website that are visited per session

Top 5 Most Frequently Visited Pages:

  • Home page
  • /our-racing/rallycross
  • /our-racing/road-racing
  • /autocross/autocross-schedule-and-results
  • /our-racing/autocross

Bounce Rate: 2.47%   |  5.1%
How many visitors left the website right after the landing page without any further interaction with the website.

Top 5 Key Words:
The keywords/phrases with which the website was most commonly found in search engines.

  • rallycross
  • road racing
  • autocross schedule
  • rallycross schedule
  • road racing schedule

All Pages of Origin:
Where site visitors came from, i.e. whether they were transferred to the website from search engines, social networks or online directories, for example. 

  • Direct: 20.73%  |  -40%
  • Search engines: 58.76%  |  -4.7%
  • Social networks: .09%  |  -4.3%
  • Others:  20.42%  |  3.4%

Awards Banquet
Banquet was excellent. We support reserving it again for next year.

Bylaws Review – Paula handed out recommended additions to the Operations Manual. Board is to review and discuss at the next meeting.

We need to add information on electronic voting for the board to the operations manual.

Greg gave an overview of the Marketing Seminar put on by Andie Albon at MiDiv Convention should be viewed by all board members. It is in our individual portal at

Greg also discussed his conversation with Arnie Coleman, Director of the SCCA Foundation. He said the SCCA Archives has imaging equipment that they can use for our KCR Region scrapbooks and historical archives. We would get a digital copy and the books would be stored by the Archives. Bob Eddy is the contact for the Archives,

Midiv Convention was good. 

KCR is appointing Roy Lopshire to MiDiv Road Racing Committee. Board Josh Holsworth motioned, Max 2nd. 

Discussed a road rally this year. Gimmick vs TSD. Paula will work on dates.

July picnic? Possibly a June picnic in place of our June general meeting.

Paula created a book with the annual awards listed so they won’t get lost.

Call for motion to adjourn –  Josh Holsworth moved to adjourn, Max Bear 2nd. Ended 8:25 PM

Have a story that you’d like to share with the rest of the Club? Send your articles, photos, or videos to

Join SCCA & Start Racing

Stop spectating and start racing! Join the Kansas City Region SCCA now and get involved immediately through Autocross, TSD Road Rallies, and Rallycross. You can also volunteer at our Road Racing events while you work toward your competition license.

Support the SCCA Foundation

The SCCA Foundation supports hands-on education and safety programs, recognizes excellence in automotive engineering education and promotes the SCCA’s heritage and club history. The goal of the SCCA Foundation is to give back to our communities. To successfully achieve this mission, the Foundation seeks support from a variety of sources, including the members of the Sports Car Club of America as well as corporate sponsors. The SCCA Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation under the section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Gifts to the SCCA Foundation are tax deductible to the donor as allowable by law. You can donate directly through PayPal.

Donate to the SCCA Foundation through PayPal

©2024 Kansas City Region SCCA
NOTE: All photos used on this site are property of the Kansas City Region of the Sports Car Club of America and the respective photographers. They may not be reused commercially without the express written consent of the KCRSCCA – please contact us if you have questions