The Kansas City Region SCCA Board Meeting was called to order by RE Mike McGinley at The Bar on January 28, 2020 at 7:03 pm.

Board Members present:  Paula Diehl, Tim Friest, Lisa Kern, Jessica Dorn, Mike McGinley, Jeremy Salenius, Tara Young, Ed Nicholson, Greg Cheney, Reuben Samuels

Board Members not attending: Bill Johnson and Al Hermans

Guests: David Williams, James Young, Dan Colburn, Chris Kern

SECRETARY REPORT (Ed Nicholson, Secretary): 
Tara Young made a motion to approve the minutes; Paula Diehl seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.

TREASURER REPORT* (Jessica Dorn): 
Tim asked about any outstanding maintenance.

Mike has been placed on the account as the new RE.

We do have some taxable amount for 2019.

Tara Young a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report; Ed Nicholson seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.

Starting Cash$25,399.71
Starting CD$88,736.52
Ending CD$89,064.80
Ending Cash$25,634.30
Ending Balance$114,699.10

Discussion around how expenses will be paid using the new card. Talk around using electronic funds transfer like “Venmo” versus Paypal or check for reimbursement. If we use cards how many and who will be responsible. Jessica will send out the card guide lines. Tim, card for each group, solo and rally cross. Chairman for each program and the equipment person, chef of equipment for each group.

Tara Young, motion that the solo and rally chair and chief of equipment have card as long as they agree to credit card policy. Dan second Tara’s motion, eight ayes and one Opposed motion passed.  A limit will be established for the cards, most likely $500.

*For a more detailed Financial Report, contact the KCR Club Treasurer.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT (Paula Diehl, Membership Chair): 
Gained 4 members. 547 SCCA.

Propose a suggestion for a membership picnic in July, have youth solo equipment for display to boost interest.

Mike McGinley to follow up on weekend members and onetime membership to try and flip to full time. Paula is ready writing a letter to do this follow up. Sign up online, who has access, Lisa, Mike, Tara and Paula. Paula to talk and Mike and will show how to get to the data. Problem: SCCA corporate data.

Paula announced we have a KS Region member who reached 60 years of membership, Charlie Williams, can we do something for him at the banquet.  This will take effort to get him to come. Could do a photo tribute. Lisa to reach out to Norma. Do a video of what we do to give to them.

SOLO REPORT (Al Hermans, Solo Chair): 
Region schedule (subject to confirmation with MCC):

April 4 & 5 – T&T and Event #1
April 25 & 26 – Novice School and Event #2
May 16 & 17 – Events 3 and 4 (Topeka MiDiv)
May 30 & 31 – Street Survival and Event #5
June 21 – Event #6
July 25 & 26 – Starting Line and Event #7
August 15 & 16 – School and Event #8
September 20 – Event #9
October 11 – Event #10
October 25 – Event #11 (Halloweenie)

There are no proposed regional rule changes from 2019.

Event for May 30 & 31 site is being looked in to.

KVRG REPORT (Chris Kern, KVRG Board Member):
Waiting on approval for the sups.

Events proceeding well, workers to be proposed.

Look for Track night on Heartland Park schedule.

Looking for workers all events.

Incentive for working events are not working out well. Need more people to work and promote with the drivers at track night.

Come to the MiDiv convention.

RALLYCROSS REPORT (Dan Colbern, Rallycross Chair):
Schedule is made and working with Dan to coordinate. Wrapping up last year and getting ready for the banquet.  setting up sponsor display. Mike McGinley: Mail schedule to me Jessica and secretary. How are Facebook and Webpages synced?

We’ve got our 2020 schedule up! There are a few details to be worked out still, but here are the dates so you can start planning.

RX 1 Feb 23rd: I-35 Speedway
RX 2 Mar 14th: Thunder Valley Sand Drags
RX 3 May 3rd: I-35 Speedway
RX 4 June 14th: TBD
RX 5 July 10-12: multi-day event (details to come)
RX 6 August 8: UA Test and Tune
RX 7 Sept 6th: TBD
RX 8 Oct 24th: Thunder Valley Sand Drags
RX 9 Nov 8th: I-35 Speedway

ROADRALLY REPORT (Mike McGinley reported):
Rich Barretta did win member of the year at the SCCA national Banquet/ when will he get the memento, picked up at Nationals but we will mention at the banquet.


Web Report (Mike McGinley):
Getting all schedules up on the web, Checkpoint is posted and minutes will be shortly. Lisa will add all events to the calendar.

Social Events:

Lisa KVRG Banquet:
Menu is planned and info going to Facebook and website. Discussion for using the region logo and board approved using on cake. We only have RSVP’s of 56. Lisa assigning duties for the banquet. Chris will bring tickets for drinks, setup to begin at 2:30.

Banners, Greg will have banners to display from national office. Take pictures to send to SCCA. Flag display will be created for display. Doug Patterson to perform photography.

Lisa and Paula will give out longevity pins. We will use the write on name tents, gives option and makes seating easier, not assigned.

Mike: Would like to get the get the pictures posted for this year, awards for all groups.

Jessica, send list of winners to the board.

Lisa will be sending out a check list of duties for the banquet to the board.

No new member of the year this year. The Board nominated and voted on 2019’s New Member of the Year, and that winner will be recognized at the banquet.

Tara and Lisa will be co Emceeing as we go, Jeremy will be a co-anchor. Will need four tables for silent auction.

Daytona 500 watch party to occur the day after the awards banquet at the Saints in Lenexa off Renner and 87th. Will get on the website. May do the same for Indy 500.

Jeremy has a list of breweries that at are possible for the gimmick rally, still in WIP.

Looking for action items for the convention, Both Solo and RallyCross have donated 2 entry’s to the silent auction, Mike.


Rueben, UA event for rally cross out to I-70 could he send info? Looking at alternatives for Stonegate.

Mike, challenge starting gimmick rally from a cars and coffee.

Mike McGinley
2020 budget status, Jessica has sent out and waiting for response from committees. Need items by the 15th. Paula, budget forms should be put in and not Jessica’s responsibility.

Board, send in your bio for the website if you have not already done so.

Rueben AED CPR
I’m still waiting to find out more from the nurse educator about the on-site CPR/AED training. No movement there just yet.

I have contacted Clarissa about assembling the slideshow for the banquet and she’s on top of it. She will be reaching out to people for images of different areas of the club in addition to my stuff and hers.

Dan found a batch of grant opportunities for AED purchased for not for profits. We may be able to take advantage of that once we go through the certification process. 

Paula could find a place to have the training.


Mike McGinley Membership types per SCCA, see the material. To make it easier to get help for everything as long as you are not behind the wheel can have a trial membership. Can repeat these trial memberships. Can use up to two for a discount on a membership. (Get from member portal on the SCCA site) Look on profile page.

Mike McGinley: It all starts with respect. Create a welcoming environment. Reach out to first time participants to make them feel welcome and part of the club. Marketing and enews, lot of information in using this type of media.

Sessions good for all members,

Tara: reported on the sessions she attended.

Mike Bylaws, committee and do we need to make changes for this year.

Mike, Paula and Tara will review any issues for this year.

Tara, Van and trailer storage. Member of the solo committee has come forward to store. For storage he can race for free. Paula made a motion and Rueben second, passed. Jessica reminds about change or storage needs title and tax issues, to be reviewed.

Looking for chair for street survival. Paula had offered but event changed.  Mike to reach out to Al.

Track Night in America, Al has sent proposal for a Grant. Mike will get with Al to be sure we ask for the max of $3000. The application is due February 28th.

James: Need to promote the region more however Van is getting long in the tooth and needs to be more presentable, we need to discuss further what to do about the van. Mike McGinley looked into the possibility of replacing the van last year, and it would cost the club from $20-$23,0000 and we have only accrued about $3,500 so far in our budgets. Chris asked to have a list made and he will check to see how much parts would cost.

Adjourn: 9:03 Greg made a motion, Tara second passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Edward Nicholson
SCCA Board Secretary

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