Call to Order 
 The Kansas City Region SCCA Board Meeting was called to order by RE Mike McGinley via teleconference on May 26, 2020 at 7:02 pm. 

Board Members present:  Paula Diehl, Tim Friest, Jessica Dorn, Mike McGinley, Tara Young, Ed Nicholson, Reuben Samuels, Chris Kern, Lisa Kern, Dan Colburn, and Bill Johnson. Guest: Mark Macoubrie. 

Board Members not attending:  Jeremy Salenius, Greg Cheney and Al Hermans. 

Reuben made a motion to approve the minutes; Tim seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 

Members: 576 SCCA. There where 18 new first time members for the month. Mike – Drivers who have a competition license expiring in June or July can get a waiver on their physical due to the Corona virus. 

TREASURER REPORT: (Jessica Dorn)  

Starting Cash$16,625.09
Starting CD$89,320.21
Ending CD$89,454.28
Ending Cash$16,100.07
Ending Balance$105,554.35

Do we have from SCCA the 2020  stickers and waver forms. Stickers are here but wavers are not. Solo sticker should be in. Adult wavers have been ordered but not received. 

Tim, should we hold renewing the next CD because of the van. Don’t the bylaws require us to maintain a certain amount in our banks based on the original founding donation? Paula stated that yes, it is $75.000. Will hold to see where we go with the van. Tara and James will get an estimate on the door. 

Bill made the motion to approve, Tim second, all approved.

*For a more detailed Financial Report, contact the KCR Club Treasurer.

SOLO REPORT: (Al Hermans)

  • April 4 & 5 – T&T and Event #1 – Cancelled 
  • April 25 & 26 – Novice School and Event #2 – Cancelled 
  • May 16 & 17 – Events 3 and 4 (Topeka MiDiv) – Cancelled / Postponed (possibly to October 3 & 4)May 30 & 31 – Street Survival (Postponed) and Event #5 – Cancelled 
  • June 21 – Event #6 – Waiting on MCC 
  • Event #5 was on until we were notified by MCC on May 19 that the college had decided to suspend all activities on its campus’s through the end of May. Activities in June are being evaluated and we should hear back about event #6 sometime soon. The rental fee had not yet been sent for event #5 so no refund will be expected. When our next event takes place, we will abide by the latest directives from the national office regarding PPE and event procedures. 

Divisional Schedule: 

  • May 16 & 17 (Topeka, KS) – Cancelled / Postponed (possibly to October 3 & 4) 
  • June 6 & 7 (Salina, KS) – Still On – Registration is Open Now 
  • June 20 & 21 (Neosho, MO) – Cancelled 
  • July 11 & 12 (St. Louis, MO) – Re-Scheduled to July 18 & 19 
  • August 8 & 9 (Lincoln, NE) – Looking good at this time 

National Schedule: 

  • Spring Nationals (Lincoln, NE) – Postponed until August 19 – 23 
  • Next event not yet cancelled – Pro solo – Peru, IN – June 13 & 14 

We have partnered with KS Region on renting a tent for Solo Nationals for $800.00. This results in an expense of $400.00 for each region. Greg Reno has secured the tent and is the contact. The tent is scheduled to be located at the west end of Row 8 in the paddock.  

KVRG REPORT: (Chris Kern)
July is up and ready for registration and volunteers. 

Event coming the end of May at Gateway in St Louis, coming up this weekend. 

Hallett has an event end of June seems better. 

KVRG July 17th 18th and 19th. We are still waiting on information from the states. 

Remember Track Night in America is on for June at Heartland Park. 

Bill – interesting for Gateway event will see how Covid guidelines are enforced. Reported that there where possible carries over to other events. 126 entries. 

RALLY CROSS REPORT: (Dan Colburn/Reuben) 
Mark Macoubrie – May 24th event last Sunday 36 entries. Bring PPE entry by phone and moved over to motorsports reg, worked well. Tech from outside car went well. Small group and we had everything we needed to be safe. Out by 9:30. Had some bad weather, had to leave cones and trailer, will pick up this week. WiFi for the club would be helpful. We do have it but was not at event. We have people from other states coming to our events. 

Tara – Issue with the van. Sliding door no longer latches and has to be strapped shut. Needs a major repair or a van replacement. Mike requested a quote for fixing the van. Market is now up so we need to consider. Will get the quote and then have an email vote to repair. 

Mark to get with James to go get the trailer since it was stuck in the field.  

Rueben we have sold 10 gaters and the marketing is going well. $50 for stickers we have sold since the first batch. Sponsorship conversations are back in process after covid. More items are being added. 

Street Survival report– Paula Diehl waiting for Solo committee to decide where the event is moved. Need to be on downside of covid. No others until August at this point. 

Working on venues for solo like military installations. 

WEB REPORT: (Mike McGinley) All cancellations and revised dates have been updated on the website for all racing disciplines. Autocross, road racing, and Rally Cross plus results should be posted by now for last weekend’s RallyCross. 

Lisa – will work on calendar this coming weekend. 

Social Events: (Lisa Kern)
Will we do video general meeting. 

General Meeting 
I called The Bar on Johnson Drive today and they are still not able to accommodate us for our JUNE General Meeting.  They are not using the room we usually reserve, however, they are storing extra tables/chairs in there so they are in compliance with their 6 foot rule in the main portion of their restaurant.   

I suggest we handle the JUNE General meeting the same way as MAY, but I fear participation will probably be low again. 

Next BoD Meeting in June 
I did probe as to how many people we could get in that room.  We had talked about 2 groups of 6 that are 6 feet apart.  We “may” be able to do that next month in person. 

Tara, Facebook meeting group for June? Rueben could be done with other apps as well. Mike could we have a way to ask questions for the meeting. Tara and Reuben to work on video meeting for next general. 

2020 Budget Discussion: 

Board of Directors website page – 2 have yet to complete our page. Please send you info to RE. 


  • PPE & Covid-19 equipment committee- Bill Johnson, Dan Colburn, and Al Hermans. Can we get an update on current supplies and how everything worked at our May 24th Rally Cross? Are we ready for our 1st Autocross?  
    • Bills 250 masks and 600 gloves and disinfectant. Where should it go? 
    • Mark, had to bring their own, we had hand sanitizer and gloves. Had added $5 per person for PPE.
    • Dan, has some equipment for gloves and hand sanitizers for next event in June 14th. 
    • Rueben, use between 80 and 100 gloves per event assuming 2 changes per person. 
    • Mike and Bill, can help out moving supplies around 
  • Who wrote an article for Checkpoint this month? 

Call for motion to adjourn 

8:22 Bill made a motion, Tim second passed unanimously. 

Respectfully submitted,
Edward Nicholson 
SCCA Board Secretary  

Have a story that you’d like to share with the rest of the Club? Send your articles, photos, or videos to

Join SCCA & Start Racing

Stop spectating and start racing! Join the Kansas City Region SCCA now and get involved immediately through Autocross, TSD Road Rallies, and Rallycross. You can also volunteer at our Road Racing events while you work toward your competition license.

Support the SCCA Foundation

The SCCA Foundation supports hands-on education and safety programs, recognizes excellence in automotive engineering education and promotes the SCCA’s heritage and club history. The goal of the SCCA Foundation is to give back to our communities. To successfully achieve this mission, the Foundation seeks support from a variety of sources, including the members of the Sports Car Club of America as well as corporate sponsors. The SCCA Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation under the section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Gifts to the SCCA Foundation are tax deductible to the donor as allowable by law. You can donate directly through PayPal.

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©2024 Kansas City Region SCCA
NOTE: All photos used on this site are property of the Kansas City Region of the Sports Car Club of America and the respective photographers. They may not be reused commercially without the express written consent of the KCRSCCA – please contact us if you have questions