7:30 PM Mike McGinley to called meeting to order

Rueben, gave a quick overview for Microsoft meeting.

Mike, quick overview of how the meetings will run tonight.

Tim, balloting is still open and you can vote now and it will still count.

Ed indicated minutes from our last General meeting, which was virtual on June 2nd are available online for review. Bill Johnson made a motion to approve, Al Hermans Second, motion carried.

TREASURER REPORT: (Jessica Dorn)  
November 2020

Starting Cash$17,719.12
Starting CD$90,209.35
Ending CD$90,427.78
Ending Cash$17,407.43
Ending Balance$107,835.21

Neava Ford Made a motion to approve,  Second Reuben Samuels, motion carried.

End of November: 538, 2 new members.

Mike, received reports from national, all regions. Report end of last year to end of November 540 down from 544 a decline of 4 members. Some are up and some are down across the nation. Look to work on membership next year.

SOLO REPORT: (Al Hermans)
Worked on region points after Thanksgiving, checked for those who qualify. Waiting for other input and hope to post to the website soon.

We are in discussions with other venues to see if we can schedule events should MCC be unavailable in 2021 and to see if we can add some variety to our normal offerings.

We are not expecting to be able to contact MCC until after the start of 2021.  Until further notice, gatherings in Jackson County are restricted to 10 people unless a “Gathering Protocol” is submitted to and approved by the county at least 7 days in advance of the gathering. If MCC does open enough to where we would be permitted to hold events there, the SCCA Covid provisions would likely be adequate to allow for the gatherings that we would have. Same goes for Arrowhead if we are successful in scheduling events there. Sandstone in Wyandotte County is probably similar.  Formulating a schedule for 2021 will not be possible until we can determine if a particular venue will be available and what restrictions may be in place. We will need to be flexible as this past year has shown. Anything relating to scheduling for 2021 will be done in pencil.

Delivery of SCCA loaner helmets is expected in December or January.

James Cahill – has talked to Al and Heartland Park venue is a possibility for cohosting in 2021 if needed.

Jessica Dorn – Arrowhead is where it was as the last discussion with them. Will try back in February. Reuben – New surface may not be adequate for our purposes.

Jeremy – Covid makes it off for this year but we will be working again once contact is off break. Surface ok’ish.

KVRG REPORT (Chris Kern):
Update everyone on 2021 HPT race dates.

We have the May 14 -16, Track Night on the 14th. Majors event.

New track in Missouri near Gravois Mills. Looking into this for next year. Great for future. 

Track Night looking for same number of events in 2021 as 2020.

Will have a December event up and MSR is ready for the 5th and 6th at Riverside. Last event of the year. 

Have had 9 or 10 events, more than initially scheduled.

Reuben – looking at maybe two more sites for next year and new technologies.

WEB REPORT: (Mike McGinley) 
Have been working on keeping up on all the current activity. If there is anything for the web site please send it in. We had only 5780 visitors to the site, 21 per day. Will get in the updates for all upcoming events soon.

Mike – congratulations to Rally X for the great work this year given Covid, you guys carried the standard for the region.

MiDiv Convention update (Donna Cross):
MiDiv convention was scheduled but has been canceled for in person, stay tuned as to have this will come off virtual, etc. Have not decided about 2022 as to location.

KC Region Awards Banquet decision: Mike McGinley discussed cancellation of event due to Coronavirus and how trophies will be distributed. The MiDiv Road Race awards are being shipped to Mike McGinley and the Solo awards are being shipped to Al Hermans. Plan to distribute at events early next year.

Longevity awards will be distributed by Mike and the board by appointment with photos for the web.

Tim: Traveling trophies will be picked up. Lisa will be sending out messages for collections.

Neava: Chuck Woloscsuk passed away, wanted the club to know.


Motion to adjourn monthly meeting in preparation for election announcement and Annual meeting. Tim made motion, Bill second, motion passed.

December meeting closed at 8:16 PM.

Have a story that you’d like to share with the rest of the Club? Send your articles, photos, or videos to

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Stop spectating and start racing! Join the Kansas City Region SCCA now and get involved immediately through Autocross, TSD Road Rallies, and Rallycross. You can also volunteer at our Road Racing events while you work toward your competition license.

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The SCCA Foundation supports hands-on education and safety programs, recognizes excellence in automotive engineering education and promotes the SCCA’s heritage and club history. The goal of the SCCA Foundation is to give back to our communities. To successfully achieve this mission, the Foundation seeks support from a variety of sources, including the members of the Sports Car Club of America as well as corporate sponsors. The SCCA Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation under the section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Gifts to the SCCA Foundation are tax deductible to the donor as allowable by law. You can donate directly through PayPal.

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NOTE: All photos used on this site are property of the Kansas City Region of the Sports Car Club of America and the respective photographers. They may not be reused commercially without the express written consent of the KCRSCCA – please contact us if you have questions