The Kansas City Region SCCA Annual Meeting was called to order by RE Paula Diehl at Fuel on Tuesday, December 3, 2019 at 7:54 p.m.

Tony Giordano made a motion to approve the Annual meeting minutes from 2019; Todd Hesskamp seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Read by Jessica Dorn. Chris Kern made a motion to approve the Annual Treasurer’s report from 2019; Neava Ford seconded. Motion passed unanimously.  See attached 

*For a more detailed Financial Report, contact the KCR Club Treasurer.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT: 543 members (average 550).

SOLO REPORT (Al Hermans):
2019 – Average 105 people per event, not counting MiDiv.
2018 – Average 107 people per event, not counting MiDiv.
2019 – 9 events, not counting MiDiv
2018 – 8 events, not counting MiDiv

Put in place some streamlining in onsite registration and check-in.

KVRG REPORT (Chris Kern):
Entries were down this year. We are working on getting more registered.  Thank you to everyone who came out and volunteered.

2019 was a year of rain, our year was an absolute minefield of terrible weather but through it all I still remember all of the fun we had together as a group of dirt loving enthusiasts. Our program did grow a little more than it did in did in 2018 where we managed to hold 8 successful events, which is 1 more than last year, we averaged 32 drivers per event (2018 had 30) and 103 unique drivers for the season (2018 had 97). There were many hard fought battles as the season continued on but most of the winners in each class started to pull ahead at the half way mark. I am proud of the progress and accomplishments we have had these past 2 years while I have been part of the RallyCross Advisory Committee. We continued to learned many things this year as a program and I am hopeful that the new committee will continue to improve the foundation that we have laid down and make the 2020 season and every season that follows even better. Thanks goes out to the committee members for 2019 season (Mark Macoubrie, Reuben Samuels, Dan Colburn, and Nefty Bloom) for all of the help they gave in running the program.

ROAD RALLY REPORT (David Williams):
I will be working towards developing the RoadRally program for the Kansas City Region in 2020. The plan is to have at least 1 or 2 TSD Rally events with 1 Gimmick Rally for 2020 and ramping up to 3 or 4 TSD events with 1 or 2 Gimmick Rallies for 2021. The overall goal is for there to be a RoadRally championship with year-end trophies awarded.

WEBSITE (Mike McGinley):
We did a major revamp on our website early in the year. We took advantage of the grant for $3500 this year. Monthly $300 contract runs through June 2020. After that we are looking for someone who can take over the web updates. Any pics and articles are still needed.

We would like to thank our Outgoing Board Members.

Mike McGinley made a motion to approve the actions of the 2019 Board; Neava Ford seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Charlie Clark made a motion to close balloting; Neava Ford seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.

Caucus 8:22p
Reconvene 8:50p

Regional Executive: Mike McGinley
Assistant Regional Executive: Tara Young
Treasurer: Jessica Dorn
Secretary: Ed Nicholson
Board of Directors: Greg Cheney, Reuben Samuels, Tim Friest
Solo Advisory Council: Tara Young, April Turner, Paul Sanguinett

Rallycross: Mark Macoubrie, Ryan Redenbaugh, Andy Sheehan, Andrew Rails

Todd Hesskamp made a motion to destroy the 71 ballots; Ken Regan seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Jeremy Salenius made a motion to adjourn, Tara Young seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Adjourned at 8:53 p.m.

Have a story that you’d like to share with the rest of the Club? Send your articles, photos, or videos to

Join SCCA & Start Racing

Stop spectating and start racing! Join the Kansas City Region SCCA now and get involved immediately through Autocross, TSD Road Rallies, and Rallycross. You can also volunteer at our Road Racing events while you work toward your competition license.

Support the SCCA Foundation

The SCCA Foundation supports hands-on education and safety programs, recognizes excellence in automotive engineering education and promotes the SCCA’s heritage and club history. The goal of the SCCA Foundation is to give back to our communities. To successfully achieve this mission, the Foundation seeks support from a variety of sources, including the members of the Sports Car Club of America as well as corporate sponsors. The SCCA Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation under the section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Gifts to the SCCA Foundation are tax deductible to the donor as allowable by law. You can donate directly through PayPal.

Donate to the SCCA Foundation through PayPal

©2024 Kansas City Region SCCA
NOTE: All photos used on this site are property of the Kansas City Region of the Sports Car Club of America and the respective photographers. They may not be reused commercially without the express written consent of the KCRSCCA – please contact us if you have questions